Publications Updates
February 1, 2020

Photography and East Asian Art volume of collected essays edited by Chelsea Foxwell and Wu Hung will be published in March 2021. The volume includes perspectives on the formative impact of photography in many areas of modern social and political culture—including portraiture, the study of art history and architecture, photo-journalism, the growth of mass media, and emergence of middle class consumer society. Edited by Chelsea Foxwell and Wu Hung, it will include an Introduction by Prof. Wu and an Afterword by Prof. Foxwell.
The CAEA will publish a volume of selected papers from the “Art and Materiality” symposium together with the Smart Museum of Art. The symposium took place at the University of Chicago in early February at the time of the opening of “The Allure of Matter” exhibition. The volume’s editors are Wei-cheng Lin and Orianna Cacchione.