Center for the Art of East Asia

Established in 2003 by the Department of Art History and the Division of the Humanities, and directed by Wu Hung, the Center for the Art of East Asia (CAEA) at the University of Chicago has become an internationally renowned academic center dedicated to the study of East Asian art and visual culture.

The CAEA aims to facilitate and support teaching and research in the rapidly growing field of East Asian art at the University of Chicago, and has been redefining the parameters of East Asian art history at large and paving the way for the global profile of UChicago’s Department of Art History. The CAEA develops and coordinates programs in East Asian art and visual culture that support individual scholarship, that create opportunities for scholarly exchange, and that compile data for teaching and research. It encourages new perspectives and approaches to research and the sharing of information and methodologies. To these ends the CAEA organizes international symposia and collaborative research projects with universities, museums, and experts around the world and makes available the results of its symposia and projects through publications, exhibitions, and websites. In addition, the CAEA hosts postdoc fellows and invites visiting scholars and graduate students as affiliates.