Exhibiting East Asian Art in the West

June 4-6, 2021
The Center for the Art of East Asia at the University of Chicago will host a virtual conference, “Exhibiting East Asian Art in the West,” to initiate a critical reassessment of the manner in which East Asian art has been exhibited, and to collectively envision the future directions in this field. The symposium will include studies of the display of East Asian artworks--- premodern, modern, and contemporary--- in spatial, architectural, and artistic contexts, and the ways in which these may have imbued them with cultural and other forms meaning and value.
Exhibitions of East Asian art have been a major aspect of the creation and dissemination of historical knowledge of East Asia in the West since the early twentieth century. Exhibitions offer the first-hand and authentic experience of East Asian art and have made important contributions to scholarship and the understanding artistic traditions and the formation of the field of study of East Asian art history as an academic discipline.
Please visit the symposium website for details and registration information.