The Cave of the Engraved Scripture at Northern Xiangtangshan / 北響堂石窟刻經洞─南區1、2、3、號窟考古報告
Edited by Office for Protection and Management of Cultural Properties of Fengfeng Mining District (峰峰矿区保管所) and Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe)
The Cave of the Engraved Scripture at Northern Xiangtangshan / 北響堂石窟刻經洞─南區1、2、3、號窟考古報告
Edited by Office for Protection and Management of Cultural Properties of Fengfeng Mining District (峰峰矿区保管所) and Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe)

The Buddhist cave shrines of Xiangtangshan in Fengfeng Mining District, Handan, Hebei province, were created in the Northern Qi period. In addition to their highly-refined sculptures and innovative design, the Xiangtangshan caves are rich in textual content. This volume provides a detailed account on the engraved inscriptions and sculptures at the south site of Northern Xiangtangshan and illuminates the historical significance of the cave. The volume features descriptions with images of the cave and rubbings of the engraved scriptures and donor-worshippers’ dedications.
The Cave of the Engraved Scripture at Northern Xiangtangshan