The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art
Edited by Orianna Cacchione and Wei-Cheng Lin
The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art
Edited by Orianna Cacchione and Wei-Cheng Lin

The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art, is a collection of scholarly papers originally presented at the “Art and Materiality Symposium” held in 2020 in conjunction with the opening of the contemporary art exhibition "The Allure of Matter: Material Art from China." Edited by Orianna Cacchione and Wei-Cheng Lin and produced jointly by the CAEA and the Smart Museum of Art, the volume investigates the trans-historical importance of materiality in Chinese art. Also planned in connection with the publication—a book launch reception at the Smart Museum in November and a lecture series at the University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong beginning in December.